Dinner Guest Survey

Deployment Dinners Survey
**I would like to share your story, and our dinner story on my blog including pictures, if you do not want to be featured on the blog please let me know, but still fill out the form!  I will not share your last name, or the children’s real names and ages on the blog. Thanks!!**
Here is how I envision this project.  One Saturday a week I will invite a family into my home for dinner.  I would love for you and your family to join me and my girls in the late afternoon; around 3:30 or so.  The kids can play games, or do a craft or activity while we visit and get dinner prepped.  I am happy and content to do all the cooking but I really would like to share what I know with you so be prepared to help me in whatever capacity you feel most comfortable.  I do not expect, nor do I want you to feel obligated to bring ANYTHING!! Just bring yourself, your kids, your appetite and an open mind.  I will plan to serve dinner, family style between 5:30 and 6:30 pm.
Is there a Saturday that you already know you cannot attend a Deployment dinner?  I would like to start a calendar about a month out.

What is your signature dish?  The thing that you love to cook, eat and share.

What are the foods you loathe?  (I am not promising that I am not going to use the foods you don’t like but I will try my best to avoid them or at least to minimize their usage).

Are there any food allergies in the family?

Absolute favorite thing ever eaten in a restaurant:  What restaurant?  Have you been able to make it at home?

Do you have a recipe that you have wanted to make but are too afraid to tackle on your own? 

Favorite foods:

Vegetable that frightens you?  Why? 

Any food you have always wanted to try but have never had the chance to?

Your proudest kitchen moment:

Your worst kitchen moment:

Favorite type of food (American, Italian, Asian, Mexican, Thai, etc):

Your most treasured passed down recipe, you don’t have to share the recipe, just tell me what, who and why?

Is there an ingredient you are hooked on right now?

Introduce your family (names and ages) If your kids have nicknames that I can use on the blog let me know if not I will use their first initials:

How long have you been in the Army?

How many deployments have you been through?

Favorite “go-to” deployment meal:

Your husband’s favorite dinner you make:

What foods can’t you wait to eat while your husband is away?

What has been your most challenging moment (or two) over the last years in the Army?

What are your proudest Army moments?

What helps you through a deployment?

What has been your most favorite duty station?  Why?

What is the best part about being stationed in Alaska?

What family traditions do you share surrounding food with your family?

What’s a typical evening meal like in your home?

If you could share a meal with anyone dead or alive who would it be and why?

Please share anything else with me that you would like me to know about you, your family and life in the Army.

You can email me the completed form to leaannie@gmail.com  Put "Deployment Dinner" as the Subject line. Thanks.

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